What is this website for?
This is a site where you can find out more about mental health, specifically in Sheffield. We’ve got a big list of services, organisations and groups who can offer support, as well as mental health friendly activities.
Who manages the site?
This site is managed by Sheffield Flourish, a mental health charity. You can find out more about us on our website, or read more about our work on this project. Before us, it was managed by our friends over at Sheffield Mind.
Who funds this website?
Sheffield City Council fund this website. It was built to their specification, and they were involved in the co-production process used to develop it further.
How can I get something added onto this website?
We have a dedicated team of Information Coordinators who curate what’s on the site. If you have something you think would be useful to our users you can email them at [email protected], and they’ll let you know whether it meets our criteria.
Can I get this in a paper format?
The Guide was moved online way back in 2012 so that the information could easily be kept up to date (some people might remember it used to be published as the ‘Smooth Guide’!). All the content pages on this site are printer friendly – just look for the print logo in the corner. In 2021, recognising digital barriers especially with the coronavirus pandemic, we produced a new booklet version of the Guide. If you’d like to find out when the next version will be printed please get in touch.
What should I do if I notice some information on The Guide is wrong?
Please contact us by emailing [email protected] and let us know and we’ll be more than happy to put it right.
How can I make a complaint?
Check out our terms and conditions, and please get in touch and we’ll try to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.