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Key Information
- In person & remote
- Adults (over 18)
- Children and Younger People (under 18)
South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association (SYEDA) is a local independent charity supporting people affected by eating disorders in South Yorkshire.
They provide one to one therapeutic and practical support for people experiencing eating disorders and for families and friends. They also facilitate groups and deliver education and training sessions in schools, colleges and the wider community.
South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association services include:
- Talking Therapies – these are available to people with an eating disorder as well as to friends and family members. Their counselling team provides a number of different therapeutic approaches.
- Occupational Therapy – to work with people with eating disorders to set practical goals and to help people engage in meaningful activities.
- Support Group – SYEDA have a support group available for people with an eating disorder which takes place on the first Tuesday of the month from 7.00-8.30pm. There is no need to book or make a referral to attend – just come along. If you are attending for the first time, then the facilitators will be happy to introduce themselves and explain more about the group, you can go earlier for an informal chat.
- Friends & Family – SYEDA offer specific support services for the friends and families of people with eating disorders, including individual therapy and a 6 week course.
If you would like more information about referrals, click here.
SYEDA have also got a separate page for other services that can help.
ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder)
Group work and/or 121 for those presenting with ARFID-type presentation up to the age of 25 years. This would be offering psycho-ed around ARFID and then goal-based work around how to increase confidence around food and variety/regularity, as per client need etc. Support gained though completing referral form on website and then will be offered assessment.
Offer to carers in a group format, those who are caring for someone with ARFID (person with ARFID is aged up to 25), parents, partners, friends older siblings etc, a face to face offer over 4 weeks. Attendance is through completing a ‘Friends and Family’ referral form on SYEDA website and attending an assessment.
They also have some online resources for ARFID that can be accessed here:
Contact Information
- SYEDA, 13-17 Paradise Square, Sheffield, S1 2DE
Activities organised by South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association (SYEDA)

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