Gambling harms
As many as one in twelve people are experiencing or at elevated risk of the harms from gambling industry products and practices – in Sheffield this is equivalent to around 45,000 people. Those affected by the harms from gambling include not only those who gamble but partners and spouses, children affected by a parent’s gambling and parents affected by a child’s gambling.
The harms from gambling are many and varied and include negative impacts on mental health, physical health, relationships, finances and housing. There is a link between suicide and gambling and deaths from suicide are significantly higher in those experiencing gambling harms.
Support available
Support is available both for people who gamble and for affected others such as family members.
NHS Northern Gambling Service
The NHS Northern Gambling Service specialises in delivering support and treatment for people experiencing gambling-related harms aged 18+. The service has a clinic in Sheffield city centre.
The service also provides support for affected family members whether the person gambling is in treatment or not.
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous a range of support for people with and recovering from gambling addiction through peer support and mutual aid.
Provides advice and support to those directly and indirectly affected by the harms from gambling through structured peer support and signposting to relevant partners and agencies.
Lived experience and recovery network which supports and empowers people who have experienced gambling-related harms; support is available for both those in active recovery and affected others. Support includes training and courses for members and regular meet ups.
Smart Recovery
UK Smart Recovery offers self-help addiction recovery programmes for a range of issues including gambling.
NHS National Problem Gambling Clinic – service for children and young people aged 13-25 years
NHS treatment and support service which includes a service for children and young people aged 13-25 years who are directly experiencing gambling harms/ gambling addiction.
Website: National Problem Gambling Clinic :: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (
Tel: 020 7381 7722
Email: [email protected]
Adults (18+) in Sheffield should contact the NHS Northern Gambling Service.
GamAnon provides support for affected others with a focus on peer support and mutual aid.
Gambling with Lives
Gambling with Lives provide support for family and friends bereaved by gambling-related suicide.