38 Services Found (filtered)
The Yorkshire and Humber 18-25 Deaf Mental Health Assessment Service is a free NHS service.
NeurodiverCity Sheffield (formally Sheffield ADHD Project) is commissioned by Sheffield City Council and provides support to families of children and young people living with ADHD in Sheffield.
Sheffield Voices is a self-advocacy group working with adults in Sheffield and the surrounding areas whose voices are seldom heard.
The Adult Autism Support Hub offers free support to autistic people, aged 16 and above, and their (informal) carers and families.
A Mind Apart specialise in working with Children, Young People and Adults from complex and vulnerable backgrounds.
Under The Stars is an arts and events charity for people with learning disabilities and autism.
Emosi is a Transcultural Therapy Centre for children aged 2-12 years, aimed at giving children with emotional and behavioural challenges the best start in life.
Ambitious about Autism Youth Network is a national online network for autistic young people.
The Autism Partnership Board is a part of Sheffield City Council.
Good Work are an organisation providing employment support for adults with health conditions, including mental health conditions.
Disability Sport Sheffield were formally known as Within Reach.
Amy’s House is a local charity that provides care and support for children (5-18 years old) with additional support needs and sometimes life limiting illnesses and their families in Sheffield….